Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Unit 3 Learning Activity.

This Blog post answers some questions for my Creating Wellness Class and is part of Unit 3

1. Based on your reflections, and on a scale of 1 to 10 (ten being optimal wellbeing), where do you rate your A-physical wellbeing, B-spiritual well-being, C-psychological well-being? Why?

A. Physical wellbeing is at a level of 8 as I would like to lose some weight, but my blood levels and pressure are in great shape.  I have incorporated the love of whole foods into my life and I do not eat the junk that I used to.  I have been off of coke's and high fructose corn syrup products for years.  I do tend to over eat and that is something that I am tackling this year.

B. I constantly work on my spiritual well-being.  I would rate this at a 7 as with school I have not put in the time that I used to.  I keep my relationships in great order and I am constantly working to gain enlightenment by forwarding spiritual pursuits.  I study philosophy and different religous beliefs in search of truths and ideas that I can apply to make my life better. 

C. My psychological and emotional well-being is in great shape as I keep my daily meals and sleep in.  I feel it is important to feel good and I would rate this at a 9.  This will get to a 10 as I continue with more spritual well-being and keep my physical body in good shape.

2. Develop a goal for yourself in each area (physical, spiritual, psychological).

A. I am working to implement a weight training routine along with portion control to allow safe weight loss that is permenent.

B. I plan to finish my studies of Zacharia Sitchin, the bible, and the koran by the end of the year.  I read little bits between classes and classes end in April.  This will allow more time to study these works and more application to modern life.

C. I have a goal to keep my sleep schedule, fitness, and food plan in so I can feel good and happy.

3. What activities or exercise can you implement in your life to assist in moving toward each goal?

I have a Bowflex that I am going to use with the exercise portion of Body for Life that will ensure success in this area.

4. Compete the relaxation exercise The Crime of the Century. To hear this exercise, click here. Describe your experience. (What it beneficial? Frustrating? etc.)

I found this to be fine.  I prefer listening to R. Carlos Nakai and similar artists as they do a better job.  I did not find it frustrating, but it was not as relaxing as a massage or music.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Relaxation Journey...

I did the relaxation cd, but I found the voice caused me to be less relaxed than the background music.  I tend to like spa type music and especially R. Carlos Nakai.  He uses a Native American flute and it has such a calming effect that I have not found anything better for myself.

If you go to Pandora.com and create an R. Carlos Nakai station you will not regret it. That is what I play in my clinic as it really sets a great calm space.  I think that music is amazing as it can make you any particular emotion instantly.  I have listened to music that makes me excited, mad, sad, and even taken me on journeys...

Welcome to Better Body Clinical Nutrition

Hello and welcome to my new blog.  For those in my Creating wellness class I look forward to learning about how to operate a blog.  For those that are part of my practice, feel free to peek inside one of my last classes towards my degree in Nutrition Science. 

My website has plenty of information about what I do in my practice and you can get there by going to http://www.nutritionaustin.com/.  I look forward to continuing this blog past this class and in the future will incorporate this as a source of news and information for past, current, and future patients.

Thank you,

Joseph E. Strickland, A.C.N.